
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Selfie Sunday
We missed selfie Saturday, so it's Sunday instead. Last week we were in New Orleans so I couldn't do it then. It was the first time I left the Wimby with someone other than my MIL or my aunt. It all went fine, but I worried. I finally understand what parents go through when they leave their children with sitters. It's not the children you worry about, it's the sitter. What if the child does something to the sitter. What if they try to run away, or they make a horrible mess or they're just generally obnoxious? I'm happy to say that I got no such reports. The Wimby survived and New Orleans was wonderful! I'll worry less next time. If he agrees to sit for us again...
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Look at how patiently my baby is waiting. She knows we are in the drive thru for Starbucks, one of her favorite drive-thrus. She knows a pupachino coming her way!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Anxiety at the Dog Park
Charlotte loves going to the dog park. I love taking her to the dog park. The look of joy on her face as she runs around with all the other dogs is priceless. Yesterday though, I had to leave the dog park early because I wasn't comfortable there. In fact, I was a bit afraid of the number of aggressive dogs that were there.
I need to give you a little history of what happened this summer. Back in August, however, I was bitten by a dog. This did not happen at the dog park, rather it happened while I was walking Zynko around the neighborhood. He got loose from his collar and ran into the backyard of a pit bull and got into a fight. While I was breaking them up, my hand got in Zynko mouth and he bit me. The pit bull had locked onto his neck, and the owner was trying to get him to release. It turns out that single got hurt in this fight. I do not blame Cinco or the people for their actions, they were merely following their nature. My problem now, is that I am afraid of pitbulls because of witnessing firsthand the power of that job in action. I'm also leary of huskies because of experience their ferocity first hand, regardless of why he attacked. You'll probably want to judge me because of what I'm saying here. Please keep it to yourself as I've judged myself repeatedly about this incident. Also please know that both dogs came out of the ordeal just fine. In fact, Zynko has a wonderful new home in Indiana and has been renamed Atlas. You can follow his progress at www.facebook.com/groups/649064981898451/
I was afraid of becoming afraid of dogs however so I took Charlotte to the dog park the same week it happened. This was also more logistically sound because I couldn't walk her since both my hands were completely bandaged. I thought I was doing great in my mental recovery. A couple of the huskies have even let me pet them and one gave me kisses on the face.
A couple weeks ago, one of the puppies we've known since we started going got aggressive with fist a male puppy and then he went after Charlotte. Proving I haven't gotten any smarter, I jumped right into it and pulled him off her kneck. She was probably more shaken then I was at first, but in the ways of dogs, a bunch of treats and a few tosses of the frisbee and she'd moved on. I thought I had too, until yesterday.
It was busy at the dog park. A nice Friday afternoon with the threat of colder weather right around the corner. It was nice and busy, but not packed. There were however two dogs that were wrestling a bit harder than I like, so Charlotte and I walked towards the back of the property to find some dogs to play with. There was a gentleman standing near the reeds and I could hear crashing about inside.
As Charlotte began to investigate, out popped a little white dog to greet her. Her owner and I began talking, as the rustling continued in the reeds. He was telling me that he was staying on the opposite of the park from a giant dog that was making him nervous. His lab the one that was still crashing about in the reeds, is 8 years old and gets along fine with other dogs, except the younger ones that are trying to establish dominance. His concern was that if a dog like that decided to bike his dog there would be nothing he could do about it. Needless to say a lot of memories flashed back, but I tried to push them down as we continue to talk. It turned out that the dog he was talking about was one that I had met before, a nice enough young male Mastiff that is unneutered. Unneutered dogs can be a problem because they can be more aggressive. The gentleman and his dogs moved on towards another part of the park as the Mastiff came in our direction with a woman I kind of knew who has three huskies. We continued walking in the main area Charlotte wanted to play with her frisbee, so I threw it and she and the Huskies gave chase. A lot of dogs don't want the toy, just the thrill of chasing another dog, so it normally isn't a problem. I threw it again, and this time one of the Huskies got it from her. It was funny until she tried to take it back and then he snapped at her. His owner scolded him and got the frisbee back and I put it away to prevent any more problems.
This is all pretty common for the dog park. There are bound to be a few growls and snaps but usually all the dogs get along really well together. At some point I'd lost the husky owner and picked up the mastiff owner. As we came back around towards the front of the park! the two dogs that I had decided to stay away from when we first got there where is still interacting pretty roughly. Another guy with two pit bulls was just coming in to the park. Everybody rush the gate as they always do, & I went over to pull Charlotte away to give the new dogs room. The massive owner did the same thing, and after the dogs were through the gate I let Charlotte go. The one dog came in pretty high strung and gave chase to her immediately. The other dog went for the Mastiff almost immediately. There was no violence as both owners put a quick stop to it, however my anxiety was mounting very quickly. I took Charlotte away from the other dogs, back towards the back of the park, but it felt like I couldn't get far enough from the crazyness. It was probably no more crazy than other times I have been there, but it felt like there was a lot of bullying of other dogs and I decided I needed to leave after only 20 minutes of being there.
There have been times at the park when there was close to 50 dogs and I never felt nervous. But it felt like yesterday there were far more "security" breed dogs than I've seen there before. I don't know if it was the type of dog,the suggestion from the first guy I talked to, or the possibility that cold air makes dogs aggressive , but the vibe at the dog park was definitely different yesterday and it made me too concerned for Charlotte 's safety to stay. I don't like the idea that we may both lose something we love so much, so I'll try taking her out again today. It might be that I just need to stay away at high traffic times.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Business Update
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This is what my booth looked like. |
Well, I am pleased as punch to announce that I sold out of the bagged treats! I also sold 5 packs of the cat toys and about 5 Black Carob Cats. I have declared it a bloomin' success! I'm actually considering doing another craft fair!
The only downside is that I didn't have any left over treats for Charlotte (except the pumpkin shapes) and I'm about out! Looks like I better get a-bakin'!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Travel Bowl
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Just so you don't think I've forgotten all about my other babies (the cats), here's a beautiful picture of Eddie this morning. I'm usually not into sun flare, bit I like the way this one turned out.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Night Time Selfie
Every night when I go to bed, Charlotte jumps up and lays across the entire top of the bed. This means I have to shove her out of the way in order to even get in the bed. Then, when my husband comes to bed she jumps down and leaves and I finally get my side back. Got to love night time rituals. :)
Friday, August 7, 2015
Jumping the Gun
His friend Bobby had said they might be looking for a home for Zynko the first time we spoke. The second time he inquired about the Humane Society. I know that his owner is fighting cancer. I also know from another neighbor that Zynko once threatened Al when he tripped and fell. I just assumed that this was a dog in need of a new home. (And in my opinion, he still is. Living in the backyard full time with hardly any company is no life for a dog - particularly one that come from a pack background like a Siberian Husky. However, it is NOT my dog. I have to get his owner to agree to letting him go since he's not abusing him or starving him or chaining him up. Rather, he's just kind of ignoring him, and that's not a crime.) So I posted him to the Rescueme.org website and I got two inquiries. One in New York, one in Illinois. So I finally stopped to speak to Al this morning. I asked if it was in fact true that he might be looking for a new home for Zynko? He said that at the time Bobby had told me that, he was really sick and that was his sister's speaking, not him. He just wants to get through chemo at this time. He's not looking to get rid of his dog.
Oops. Thanks, I'll be taking that Dunce hat over here.
So, now, I have to rescind everything I've put out on the web. I am not looking for a new home for Zynko. You better believe however, that once all beats cancer I'm going to start working on him to take more of an interest in his dog. Walking is good exercise and the dog walks pretty well on the leash. You just have to be strong enough to hold onto it!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
What's a Wimba?
In honor of my new Etsy Store, IttyBittyInc, I've decided to change the name of my blog. Instead of referring to my Heinz57 furbaby as a mutt, you can now think of her as a "Wimba".
What the heck is a Wimba?!?
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Learning Loose Leash Walking
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Clicker Ring
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
The Packs all Here
We refer to our little family as "The Pack". My husband started this. He meant it as a reference to all the dog trainers who tell you to be the pack leader so your dog understands the higherarchy of the house. I like to think it's because only two of us are human. But whenever they gather around us - the alpha male and female - Tony calls it packing up.
This used to happen all the time when Sammy was alive. It rarely happens now simply because Charlotte tries to eat the cats every time they come near her. Agatha is the only one willing to tolerate it. Eddie always keeps a distance, so these days, even getting him in the same room is an accomplishment.
Buy this rainy Saturday morning, they are all chilling with me in the bedroom. The only missing today is Tony. He had to fly out the door, late for work.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Neuroticism and Parenting
I ran across an interesting article on Facebook yesterday. According to Distractify, 'Neurotic People Make the Best Pet Parents'. This title caught my attention because as a needy individual, I wanted to know if I qualify as a "Best Pet Parent" and also because we'd just covered neuroticism in one of my classes and it didn't sound like a good thing.
The official definition is this:
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One of the images that came up when I Googled Neurotic |
My conclusion is that I don't think we're completely misusing it. I think when we call someone neurotic we're kind of getting at the gist of the person's problems without actually naming any of them.
According to the article though, a neurotic pet parent is this:
"An online survey of more than 1,000 people found that while "helicopter parenting" isn't great for human children, clinginess and overprotection might actually be good for rearing dogs and cats."
I guess if helicopter parenting is spurred on because of fear, anxiety or worry, then yep, that's neurotic. But here's the thing - I've never considered myself to be a "helicopter" type person.
I'm not insisting that my dog get all A's in puppy obedience. This is mainly because we didn't go to puppy obedience, but even if we had, I wouldn't have strived to be the best in the class. And sometimes, when I put her outside while I'm watching TV, I forget she's out there. Oops. So, yeah, total fail as a helicopter parent.
The article goes on to say:
Participants who expressed the greatest affection also scored high on the conscientious and neurotic scale. "This finding suggests that the qualities that make for overbearing parents might work better for our domesticated canine and feline companions, who tend to require lifelong parenting," explains Futurity.
Needless to say, this article got me to wondering, am I am neurotic? So I took an online quiz to find out. Cause it's 2015 and that's what we do.
Turns out that yes, yes I am neurotic. Feels like I shouldn't be surprised by this revelation.
Anyway, guess I'm good pet parent in spite of my failure at clinginess and overprotection. I think. Wait, where I was I going with all this? And has anyone seen the dog?
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Happy Easter Sunday
Happy Easter all! Charlotte and spent the day lying around because I woke up with stomach issues. Currently we're watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory while the hubs plays World of Tanks. It's an all American holiday in our household. Sorry Jesus.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Charlotte the Hoover
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Charlotte in the "Crate of Shame" with her next victim. |
Well, one morning last week, I'm sitting in my chair, having my morning coffee and here comes Charlotte with a big old piece of fluff in her mouth. She walks up to me and deposits it in my lap. My eyebrows go up and I say in a surprised voice "good girl!" and I give her a treat. She trots off and moments later, here she comes with another piece of fluff. So I give her another treat. And this continues until all the fluff is picked up.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Crazy Dog People
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Don't Chew the Bear
Friday, March 13, 2015
How I Became a Dog Mom
The cats were/are Samuel L. Clemens,
and Agatha Christie.
Except for Eddie. He was named after my favorite newscaster/anchor, Edward R. Murrow. I was in Journalism for all four years in high school.
Sammy passed last January. That's how we ended up with Charlotte. This is what she looked like when we brought her home.
This is what she looks like now.
The loss of a pet leaves a hole that needs to be filled. Especially if you don't have children. And I wanted a pet I could take places. I know people take their cats places, but mine throw a holy bitch fit if I stick them in the car even to go the vet. Going for a walk with one is like dragging a 10lb. sack of flour around on a leash.
When I was convincing my husband we should adopt her, I said I needed something to nurture. I got that and then some. That's how I became a dog mom.