

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

There is such a thing as too many dogs

Please don't mis-understand me. I love all my fosters. But it is time for some of them to find their forever homes! The babies are over their ring-worm and have received their vaccinations so they are actually allowed out in the yard. Can I interest you in a patriotic puppy? Born on the 4th of July, named for the founder of the Treasury and his wife. Also the stars of the hottest Broadway musical this year! Aren't they adorable? Hamilton is the blonde. Eliza is the raven haired sweetie.

Here they are with one of the neighbor's kids. I would love to show you all the adorable pics I took of the two girls with the two dogs, but not my kids so I won't put them on the web. 

Anyway, the puppies have taken right to the whole using the yard to pee and poop. Now when they scream, I put their leash on them and take them right outside. 99% of the time they go potty right away. T calls it "sychonized peeing" because they squat at the same time and finish about the same time. Cracks me up. 

We have taken to calling Miss Eliza "Skyler" even though the proper spelling is Schuyler. She thinks she's a lap dog. It's sweet now, but her future owner may not think so once she starts to weigh 70+ pounds. And if you don't think they will, please notice the size of the 8 week old puppy with the 60 lb border collie!

Then there is my 2 year old Blue Heeler Terrier mix, Gayla.

She can be such a sweet dog. She can also be completely insane. This morning she's on my shit list. I know they say that dogs don't do things to spite you, but it is REALLY hard to believe sometimes. I don't think it was because she was pissed that I walked her and Charlotte separately, but maybe I did. At any rate, when I got out of the shower this morning, someone had peed on my bed. The puppies were incarcerated and Charlotte was doing a pretty good impression of road kill on the floor so that narrows it to one speckled 30 lb dog. I got it cleaned up. Thank goodness for super thick mattress pads. 

So there I am this morning at 9:30, still needing to blow dry my hair and needing to leave at 9:45 for work so I can make it on time. I have to put dogs outside, strip the bed, put a load in the wash, get the dogs back in, feed them and the cats, pack my lunch and oh yeah, shoes are usually recommended on the job! I know they are just dogs but I seriously felt like  Mila Kunas at the beginning of "Bad Moms"! How the hell do people with children do this day in and day out?!? Cause seriously, between the 5:30 am wake up call for puppy poop breaks and ridiculousness like this, I'm exhausted! So, please? Don't you want a dog? Specifically one of mine? Wimby is tired too. Won't you take pity on her?!

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